We encourage children to develop creativity and imagination by play. By providing them with the tools, equipment and mediums to express themselves through art and craft activities, play dough, story telling and reading books.
We support children to develop strategies and skills for initiating, maintaining and enjoying friendships with one or more children
Solving Problems
Developing early mathematical skills through nursery rhymes and finger rhymes, counting at mat time, identifying colours and shapes, problem solving with puzzles, recognising numbers in the environment, sequencing, and creating patterns
We provide an enriched environment that stimulates the imagination, promotes creativity and enhances aesthetic development throughout the day.
We provide opportunity for children to develop their unique strengths and interests by expanding their knowledge and building on what they know, their interests and exploring the unknown.
Providing opportunities for discovery learning through self-selected and semi-structured activities and encouraging the development of children’s abilities to observe, explore, perceive, investigate, imagine and problem solve.
Learning Experiences
We support children to open their minds, acquire new skills and embrace familiar and different learning experiences to enable them to be well prepared and succeed on their educational journey
We support children to discover their own self-worth to enable them to feel confident in themselves
We provide an educational environment rich in language, literacy and early mathematical experiences
We encourage positive social interactions in order to set the foundations to turn great children into great adults
Role Models
The teachers role model conversations with the children and encourage children to explore two way conversations.
Balanced Programmes
We ensure a balanced and individualised, fun and engaging and age appropriate programmes.